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Upload CSV file to MySQL using Laravel

I'm trying to upload a csv file to the table users in Laravel.

This is my php script:

private function _import_csv($path, $filename)

        $csv = $path . $filename;
        $query = sprintf("LOAD DATA local INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE users FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n' IGNORE 0 LINES (`firstname`, `lastname`, `username`, `gender`, `email`, `country`, `ethnicity`, `education`  )", addslashes($csv));
    return DB::connection()->getpdo()->exec($query);


public function uploadUsers(){

    if (Input::hasFile('fileInput')){

        $file = Input::file('fileInput');
        $name = time() . '-' . $file->getClientOriginalName();

        $path = 'public/uploads/'.date('Y/m/');

        $file->move($path, $name);
        $this->_import_csv($path, $name);


    return Response::json(["success"=>true]);

But I'm getting this error:

{"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"PDO::exec(): LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE forbidden","file":"C:\\wamp\\www\\lc2\\laravel\\app\\controllers\\UsersController.php","line":224}}

I don't know whats wrong. Can anybody please help me?

Please try it

Set PDO Connection options

Set attribute PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE in database.php

'mysql' => array(
            'options'    => [PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE=>true],


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