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Rails passing params to another controller

I have my rails app structure as

| app 
____| assets 
____| controllers 
__________| app 
_______________| v1
______________________| mobile_controller
_____ test_controller
____| helpers 
____| mailers 
____| models 
____| views 
_________| test
______________| _form
______________| edit
______________| index
______________| show
______________| index
| bin 
| config 
| custom 
| db 
| lib 
| log 
| public 

I have two controllers Mobile, Test

Mobile controllers has all the API's

class Api::V1::MobileController  < ApplicationController 

    # POST method
    def taskCompleted

        respond_to do |format|

        format.html { redirect_to '/thankyou', :params => params, :isValid => true }            


When the taskCompleted method is called i want to display a thank you screen So, i am calling index method in TestController,

 class TestController  < ApplicationController 

    def index


In app/views/test/ i have index.html, where i have HTML content.

But i am unable to receive params, passed from taskCompleted method in mobile controller, in index method of Test controller

Can this be possible?

Or do i need to create views for mobile controller?

You should build URL with parameters use Rails helper:

redirect_to test_path(param1: 'value', ...)

or specify controller and action:

redirect_to controller: 'Test', action: 'index', param1: 'value', ... 

in your case you just make redirect to '/thankyou' URL without parameters.

You can set it is session, for example:

def first
  @first_value = params[:f_name]
  session[:passed_variable] = @first_value

def second
  @first_value = session[:passed_variable] 
  @get_value = @first_value

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