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Possible to delay a segue?

I have an app with many segues built in the storyboard and I would like to delay them to show a quick animation on the clicked button.

Is it possible to delay a segue without using segueWithIdentifier ? Using segueWithIdentifier means to delete all segues in storyboard for recreating them in code => More code, more time to dev, more bugs possibilities, heavier app to run... It's not my favorite solution.

Does anyone know if it is possible to delay a segue while still using the segue between 2 VC in storyboard ?

Thanks all,

I agree with @Paulw11. Link your segues between view controllers, not from your button.

Then your IBAction method would invoke a UIView animation where the completion block invokes the segue.

And T_77's advice is terrible. Avoid sleep at all costs. It locks up the device. Bad, bad mojo.

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