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Getting an error Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect()

First off I would like to mention that I have used the search option and looked at multiple different posts as to why I have this problem yet it is still occurring.

In my PHPInfo() I have mySQL installed. In my PHP.ini I have it in the correct directory as per my PHPInfo and I also removed the semicolon in front of extension=php_mysql.so.

I also have the extensions pointing to my extension folder with all the various modules. After all this I still have this error.

Are there any other ways I can go about attempting to fix this issue?

I think you have missing the mysqli extension. You need to installed first sqli extension than you can use its functions..

Please have a look on the link to configured of all version of mysqli. http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.installation.php

Contact to your server administrator or do:

sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

Will install package containing mysqli and mysql, so afterwards all you need to do is restart apache and it should work.

sudo service apache2 restart

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