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Show orion context broker poi in map viewer

For learning porpoises I am trying to run the default map viewer set up and show the POIs stored in the orion public instance (orion.lab.fi-ware.org:1026).. but it does not work at all.

Following screenshots with the default provided configurations. It should show a bunch of Santander POIs if I understood well.

1.-Wired mashups schema: 1.-Wired mashups模式

2.- NGSI Source default settings: 2.- NGSI Source默认设置

3.- NGSI entity to POI default settings: 在此处输入图片说明

4.- Map viewer default settings: 在此处输入图片说明

5.- Map viewer result (No results at all :(( ): 在此处输入图片说明

Everything looks pretty straight forward but nothing is shown. Without understanding why it is not working I can not moving forward and work in my own implementation.

thanks in advance.

It looks to me like you have not obtained an authorization token (or you are not showing it in your question?). Without one you are not able to retrieve information from orion.lab.fi-ware.org.

One way to get a token is running this python script: https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-figway/blob/master/python/get_token.py

Of course, you do need a FIWARE Lab account to get it.

The problem seems to be in the configuration of the "NGSI entity to POI". The Node , AMMS and Regulators entities provide their coordinates using the Latitud (latitude) and Longitud (longitude) attributes.

The final value for the "Coordinate attribute" setting should be: Latitud, Longitud

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