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How to get css selector for an element using javascript?

Is there any jQuery plugin or javascript code that returns a CSS-selector that uniquely selects a particular element?

I'm looking for something with similar functionality as provided by the Copy CSS Path function in Chrome's developer tools, giving me a selector that looks something like this:

#question > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > div > h2

Answers I tried

Get unique selector of element in Jquery

Get unique selector jQuery

Not perfect, but written fast (for You) : )



function getCSSPath(el, callback){

    var fullPath = '';

    var cssPathFn = function (el, callback){

        var elPath = '';

        elPath = $(el).prop('tagName').toLowerCase();

        if(typeof $(el).attr('id') !== 'undefined'){

            elPath = elPath+'#'+$(el).attr('id');

        if(typeof $(el).attr('class') !== 'undefined'){

            elPath = elPath+'.'+$(el).attr('class').split(' ').join('.');

        fullPath = elPath+' '+fullPath;

        if(typeof $(el).parent().prop('tagName') !== 'undefined'){

            cssPathFn($(el).parent(), callback);


    cssPathFn(el, callback);


getCSSPath($('selector'), callbackFunction);

Function is based on tag name, id and class names, indexes are not supported.

Sample usage (for HTML code on JSFiddle):

$(document).ready(function (){

    getCSSPath($('#lorem-ipsum'), function (path){


Sample Result:

html body div#id1.c1.c2.c3 div#id2 div.c4.c5 span span.c6 ul li a span#lorem-ipsum 

Just found this post, had a look at the only answer and got terrified by it's complexity and by bizarre denial from using jQuery functions. Sorry for criticism, but i really i got stunned by this callback system. Here, have it in easy to use form:

function getCSSPath(el) {
    let rendered_path_parts = [];

    $( el ).parents().addBack().each((i, el) => {
        const $el = $( el );
        let current_el_path = $el.prop('tagName').toLowerCase();

        if ($el.attr('id')) {
            current_el_path += '#' + $el.attr('id');

        if ($el.attr('class')) {
            current_el_path += '.' + $el.attr('class').split(' ').join('.');

        rendered_path_parts.push( current_el_path );

    return rendered_path_parts.join(' ');

    getPath: function() {
        return getCSSPath(this.length === 1 ? this : this.eq(0));


Note that rendered selector will not include element' index, so it is less descriptive than selector developer tools can make for you.

Here is a pure JavaScript implementation of what the others had using Element.attributes so it should work everywhere.

I made it a snippet so you can see that document.querySelector works with the selector found.

 function getCSSSelector(el){ let selector = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); const attrs = el.attributes for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { let attr = attrs.item(i) if (attr.name === 'id') selector += `#${attr.value}`; if (attr.name === 'class') selector += attr.value.split(' ').map((c) => `.${c}`).join(''); if (attr.name === 'name') selector += `[${attr.name}=${attr.value}]`; } return selector } let el = document.querySelector('input#id.abc'); let selector = getCSSSelector(el); console.log(selector) document.querySelector(selector).value = selector;
 <input id="id", class="abc def" name='name' style='width: 200px'>

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