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Options in the jquery-ui tooltip function does not having any affect on tooltip

I am trying to add a jQuery-ui tooltip to my rails application.

By following the given example, I configured my javascript. I am trying to use below mentioned two options. But none seems working.

    track: true,
    position: { 
      my: "center", 
      at: "center bottom" 

I got a tooltip but it was very simple tooltip with a simple black background and the options i specified was not making any affect on tooltip.

Can you post a jsfiddle or codepen of this issue? Would be happy to try to help you. This should work if your item has a tooltip class:

    track: true,
    position: { 
      my: "center", 
      at: "center bottom" 

Make sure also that the title attribute is set on the tooltip item or you set content: "" in your .tooltip({}); options.

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