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Highcharts applying custom style to context button using css class

I have a large set of Highcharts graphics that all use the exporting.js library for downloading in various formats. I would like to customize the context button on these charts to match the native styles of the application.

Although I have found several examples of how to achieve this within the confines of the Highcharts chart-level script (ie THIS EXAMPLE ) it seems rather repetitive to implement these styles in every chart knowing that I have a large set to be affected.

I realize this could potentially be achieved using a global theme in Highcharts, however I am still limited by the configuration options of the library itself.

For instance this would be the suggested path:

var chartingOptions = {
exporting: {
    buttons: {
        'myButton': {
            id: 'myButton',
            symbol: 'circle',
            x: -62,
            symbolFill: '#B5C9DF',
            hoverSymbolFill: '#779ABF'

But unfortunately it does not provide a lot of expressivity.

Am I able to define a css style and pass it to the global theme or chart set using its ID or CLASS somehow?

Yes, you can set class or id of button using theme property.

buttons: {
    'myButton': {
        symbol: 'circle',
        symbolFill: '#B5C9DF',
        hoverSymbolFill: '#779ABF',
        theme: {
            class: "myButton highcharts-button highcharts-button-normal",
            id: "myDiamondButton"

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