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Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: someProvider <- SomeService

In angularjs

I have made sure to register a service like this, inside the services directory inside modules -> module_name

angular.module('module_name').factory('service_name', [
    function() {
        // Public API
        return {
            someMethod: function() {
                return true;

from this Error: Unknown provider: employeesProvider <- employees i found removing the ngController solves the issue, but I am trying to render a view that must have a controller to render some model data.

If i remove that ngController, i get no data.

What do i do?

It looks like you have dependency on the employees module (somewhere not shown in your posted code). You need to inject that into this module_name.

.factory('service_name', ['employees', function(employees) {
    // Public API
    return {
        someMethod: function() {
            return true;

The dependency could also be in your controller. You should use the similar method to inject the dependency there.

Additional information on dependency injection .

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