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click event not working properly in iPad with angularjs

I created angularjs directive for attribute globalEvents and added to body element. Please find below code:

<body globalEvents>
<div id="container" ng-controller="appController"> 

Angularjs code :

    angularApp.directive('globalEvents', [function() {
        return {
            link:function(scope,elm,attr) {
                elm.on('click', function (e) {
                   // not working in iPad

Above click event not working in iPad unless and until I add ng-click attribute to container div (id="container")

<div ng-click="" id="container" ng-controller="appController"> 

I don't understand reason behind this. But this is not solution for this issue. Please help me

I am using AngularJS v1.2.15

I guess you should use angular.element()

 angular.element(elm).on('click touchstart', function (e) {

As you are binding a jqLite's event to a raw DOM node elm , instead you should wrap it with angular.element to create a jquery object to attach a jqlite event on it.

Docs for angular.element()

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