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Using a loader inside a webpack plugin

For clarification - this is a question about writing a webpack plugin

How do you use the webpack require inside a webpack plugin?

MyPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
  var self = this;
  compiler.plugin('emit', function(compilation, callback) {
     var file = 'example.css';
     var loaderResult = require('style!css!' + file); // <-- is there any way to make this possible?

After some searching I saw that the text-extract plugin uses a child compilation to use a compiler inside the plugin:


In the following example I am using the my-loader to load and compile the input.js file:

MyPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
  compiler.plugin('make', function(compilation, callback) {
    var outputOptions = {
      filename: 'output.js',
      publicPath: compilation.outputOptions.publicPath
    var childCompiler = compilation.createChildCompiler('MyPluginCompilation', outputOptions);
    childCompiler.apply(new NodeTemplatePlugin(outputOptions));
    childCompiler.apply(new LibraryTemplatePlugin('result', 'var'));
    childCompiler.apply(new NodeTargetPlugin());
    childCompiler.apply(new SingleEntryPlugin(this.context, 'my-loader!input.js'));

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