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jQuery is returning the initial value of an element's attribute

Situation Description

My HTML form loads with a variable number of elements that have the attribute valid = "default" .

As the user enters a value for each element, I use AJAX to validate the tag and set valid to true or false accordingly.

When the submit button is pressed, I collect the valid attribute values.


jQuery is only returning the initial values of valid . Is there a way to get the updated value of valid ?

The code I'm using:

var tags = ($('.tag').map(function () { return $(this).attr('valid') })).get();

returns ["default", "default"] even after the values have been updated and should be showing ["true", "false"]

I'm new to JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX. So, if there is a better way to do this, please let me know what you think.

$('#' + field + 'cell')

selects td element , the parent element of input having valid attribute, not the input element itself, resulting in

.attr("valid", "false")

being applied to the parent td element , not the child input element.

Try removing DOM event attributes, changing selector to

        $('#' + field + 'cell')
        .attr("style", 'border:3px solid #FF0000')
        .find("[id="+field+"]").attr("valid", "false")

$(function() {
  function validate(field, query) {
        type: "POST",
        url: "/echo/json/",
        data: {json:JSON.stringify(query)}          
    .done(function(response) {
       console.log(field, response === "false", response === "true")

        //response = response.replace(/[[\]]/g,'');
        if(response === 'false') {
            $('#' + field + 'cell')
            .attr("style", 'border:3px solid #FF0000')
            .find("[id="+field+"]").attr("valid", "false")
        else {
            $('#' + field + 'cell')
            .attr("style", 'border: none')
            .find("[id=" + field + "]")
            .attr("valid", "true")

    .fail(function() {
    .always(checkForm) // added to verify `checkForm` at each `$.ajax` call

  function checkForm(variable) {
    var tags = $.map($(".tag"), function (el) { return $(el).attr('valid') });


  $("#submitButton").on("click", function(e) {

  $("[id^=tag]").on("blur", function(e) {
      validate(e.target.id, e.target.value)

jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/mL8ttwc0/2/

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