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How to set up an NSTextView programmatically with explicit NSLayoutManager, NSTextStorage, NSTextContainer?

Following the apple documentation I am trying to set up a simple NSTextView via its two constructor methods.

I am placing the below code inside the viewDidAppear method of the view controller of the content view. textView is an instance of NSTextView , frameRect is the frame of the content view.

The following Swift code works (gives me an editable textView with the text showing on the screen):

    textView = NSTextView(frame: frameRect!)
    textView.textStorage?.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: "Hello"))

The following does NOT work (text view is not editable and no text shown on the screen):

    var textStorage = NSTextStorage()
    var layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
    var textContainer = NSTextContainer(containerSize: frameRect!.size)
    textView = NSTextView(frame: frameRect!, textContainer: textContainer)

    textView.editable = true
    textView.selectable = true

    textView.textStorage?.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: "Hello more complex"))

What am I doing wrong in the second example ? I am trying to follow the example given in Apple's "Cocoa Text Architecture Guide" where they discuss setting up an NSTextView by explicitly instantiating its web of helper objects.

You need to keep a reference to the NSTextStorage variable you create. I'm not quite sure about the mechanics of it all, but it looks like the text view only keeps a weak reference to its text storage object. Once this object goes out of scope, it's no longer available to the text view. I guess this is in keeping with the MVC design pattern, where views (the NSTextView in this case) are meant to be independent of their models (the NSTextStorage object).

import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!

    var textView: NSTextView!
    var textStorage: NSTextStorage! // STORE A REFERENCE

    func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
        var view = window.contentView as NSView
        textStorage = NSTextStorage()
        var layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
        var textContainer = NSTextContainer(containerSize: view.bounds.size)
        textView = NSTextView(frame: view.bounds, textContainer: textContainer)

        textView.editable = true
        textView.selectable = true

        textView.textStorage?.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: "Hello more complex"))

Tested under Xcode 12.4. in Playgrounds:

import Cocoa
import AppKit

let textViewFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 250, height: 90)
let textStorage = NSTextStorage()
var layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
var textContainer = NSTextContainer(containerSize: textViewFrame.size)
let textView = NSTextView(frame: textViewFrame, textContainer: textContainer)
textView.isEditable = true
textView.isSelectable = true
textView.textColor = NSColor.red
textView.string = "Why is this so complicated..."
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface TextViewController : NSObject {

    NSLayoutManager *secondLayout;

    IBOutlet NSSplitView *columnView;
    IBOutlet NSTextView *bottomView;


- (IBAction) addColumn: (id)sender;

#import "TextViewController.h"

@implementation TextViewController

- (void)awakeFromNib
    NSTextStorage *storage = [bottomView textStorage];
    secondLayout = [NSLayoutManager new];
    [storage addLayoutManager: secondLayout];
    [secondLayout release];
    [self addColumn: nil];
    [self addColumn: nil];

- (IBAction) addColumn: (id)sender
    NSRect frame = [columnView frame];

    NSTextContainer *container = [[NSTextContainer alloc]
                                  initWithContainerSize: frame.size];
    [container setHeightTracksTextView: YES];
    [container setWidthTracksTextView: YES];

    [secondLayout addTextContainer: container];
    [container release];
    NSTextView *newView = [[NSTextView alloc] initWithFrame: frame
                                              textContainer: container];
    [columnView addSubview: newView];
    [newView release];


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