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Ambiguous grammar when parsing boolean expressions with Peg.js

I'm writing a parser that generates an abstract syntax tree from boolean expressions.

I have the following Peg.js grammar that supports ^ and , as & and | respectively:

  = operation

// optional whitespace
_  = [ \t\r\n]*

operation "operation"
  = "("? _ left:(operand / operation) _ operator:operator _ right:(operand / operation) _  ")"?
    return {
      operation: operator,
      between: [ left, right ]

operator "operator"
  = operator:["&"|"|"]  
    return operator;

operand "operand"
  = operand:[a-z]
    return { operand: operand };

It successfully parses expressions like a & b and a & (b | c) , however it fails if the expression starts with an operation:

(a | b) & c
Line 1, column 8: Expected end of input but " " found.

The expression gets parsed correctly if I surround it with parenthesis:

((a | b) & c)

My guess is that Peg.js is only taking (a | b) as an operation, instead of an operand of the parent operation, thus failing when seeing the & c .

What am I missing?

Your operation rule says the brackets are optional but having one does not enforce the other to be there. Eg, (a & b is parsed successfully.

You need to break it up into smaller parts. The separate rules for and and or are to allow operator precedence to do its trick.

Try this:

  = sentence

  = orSentence

  = lhs:andSentence __ '|' __ rhs:orSentence { return { operation: '|', between: [lhs, rhs] }; }
  / andSentence

  = lhs:primarySentence __ '&' __ rhs:andSentence { return { operation: '&', between: [lhs, rhs] }; }
  / primarySentence

  = '(' _ sentence:sentence _ ')' { return sentence; }
  / operand

  = operand:[a-z] { return { operand: operand }; }

_ "optionalWhiteSpace"
  = whiteSpace *

__ "mandatoryWhiteSpace"
  = whiteSpace +

  = [ \t\n\r]+

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