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EmberJS: Resolve promise in the success of processing request

I adapted the ajax call in RESTAdapter for retrieving the data from vert.x bus bridge. But, I have a problem with retrieving the promise in the success part of processing request.

I suppose that the problem is with form of data structure that Ember expects. This is the code of my adapter:

var VertxAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  protocol: 'http',
  host: 'localhost',
  port: '4200',
  addressMapping: {
    "GET localhost/mindMaps": "mindMaps.list"
  pendingRequests: [],

  vertx: function() {
    var adapter = this;

    if (typeof adapter._vertx === 'undefined') {
      adapter._vertx = new vertx.EventBus(adapter.protocol + '://' + adapter.host + ':' + adapter.port + '/eventbus');
      console.log('initialize vertx');
      adapter._vertx.onopen = function() { 
        // TODO: register for messages send from server to this client


    return adapter._vertx;

  ajax: function(url, type, params) {
   console.log(url, type, params);

    var adapter = this;

    var messageAddress = adapter.addressMapping[type + " " + url];

    return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var success = function(json) {
        Ember.run(null, resolve, json);
      var error = function(json) {
        Ember.run(null, reject, json);

      if(adapter.vertx().readyState === vertx.EventBus.OPEN) {
        console.log('ready state');
        adapter.processRequest(messageAddress, params, success, error);

      } else {
        var pendingReq = {
          address: messageAddress,
          params: params,
          success: success,
          error: error
        console.log('push pending req');




  processPendingRequests: function() {
    var adapter = this;
          adapter.processRequest(req.address, req.params, req.success, req.error);

  processRequest: function(address, params, success, error) {
    console.log(address, params, success, error);
    var adapter = this;
    adapter.vertx().send(address, params, function(json){
      //TODO: implement


      // error(json);


    adapter.pendingRequests = [];


export default VertxAdapter.extend({
    port: '8080'

And this is the server:

var eventBus = require("vertx/event_bus");
var mindMaps = {};

var extend = function(obj, props) {
   for (var prop in props) {
      if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
         obj[prop] = props[prop];

   return obj;

eventBus.registerHandler("mindMaps.list", function(args, responder) {
        "data": Object.keys(mindMaps).map(function(key) {
            return extend(
                    "type": "mindMaps"

eventBus.registerHandler("mindMaps.save", function(mindMap, responder) {
    if (!mindMap.id) {
        mindMap.id = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
    mindMaps[mindMap.id] = mindMap;
        "data": mindMap

eventBus.registerHandler("mindMaps.delete", function(args, responder) {
    delete mindMaps[args.id];

Here is the console output:


WARNING: Encountered "data" in payload, but no model was found for model name "datum" (resolved model name using mind-maps@serializer:-rest:.typeForRoot("data"))

Error while processing route: mind-maps Assertion Failed: The response from a findAll must be an Array, not undefined Error: Assertion Failed: The response from a findAll must be an Array, not undefined

I suppose that I don't return the data from the server in a form that Ember expects me to.


BR, Milan

Unless you also want to create your own serializer, your JSON needs to be in a specific format. You can see the format documented here .

If you're not able to modify your server to return that JSON format, you'll need to write your own Serializer , and convert your data into the format listed here .

If this sounds a little bit much, that's because it is. I think Ember-Data's adapters and serializers is its number one issue. Unfortunately, there aren't many easy ways to do what you want.

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