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How to prevent user from bypassing php authentication

We call it html1 for simplicity.

When a user goes to html1, there's a login2.php login page to enable access to client.php which is the hidden page.

It then goes to checklogin.php...if the password and user name matches...it then goes to the hidden client.php page...if not..it goes back to homepage.

The user has to login to be able to view the contents of hidden client.php page.

However the user can access client.php by typing in ..../client.php on the address bar...therefore bypassing the auth page and rendering it useless. I can just type servername/client.php...and it still shows me the contents of client.php...but I want client.php...to be private!

How do I prevent this from happening?


first login page...

<title>Login Form</title>
<h2>Login Form</h2>
<form method="post" action="checklogin2.php">
<div id="name">User Id: <input type="text" name="****"></div>
<div id="password">Password: <input type="password" name="*******"></div>
<div class="button"><input type="submit" value="Login"></div>

then it goes to.... checklogin2.php

    $*** = $_POST['****'];
    $***** = $_POST['***'];

if($uid == '****' and $***** == '*****')


Then it goes to... securepage.php



                echo "<a href='logout.php'>Logout</a>";

In the beginning of your every page you have to check if user is authorized.

On checklogin.php if user entered correct login and password, just set something like

$_SESSION['authorized'] = TRUE;

...and on other pages just check if user is authorized:

if (isset($_SESSION['authorized']) && $_SESSION['authorized'] === TRUE) {
    // Alright, let's show all the hidden functionality!
    echo "Psst! Hey! Wanna buy some weed?";
} else {
    // User is not authorized!
    header('Location: login.php');

Note that you don't have to mess with cookies, session IDs etc. - just add session_start() before everything and freely use $_SESSION var.

This is the main pro of sessions (and $_SESSION variable in particular): you can remember some data among different pages on same website.

All pages has to check if the user is authed. I would recommend using objects, and always inherit a class that checks this for you. It's not fun to have the same code everywhere, doing the same thing.

if($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] == '/yourpagefolder/yourpage.php' && !isset($_SESSION['login_user'])){
    header('location: login.php');

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