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Xcode 6 deleting App Group

I need to delete some of the App Groups I created in order to share information between the App and it's Today Extension.

Does anybody know how to delete an App Group created in the Capabilities section of Xcode , in App Groups ?

Here are the following steps to delete the App Groups:

  1. Login to Apple Developer with your developer account.

  2. On the Dashboard Under Dev Centre Select iOS在此处输入图片说明

  3. Select Certificates,Identifiers and Profiles under iOS Developer Program.在此处输入图片说明

4.Select Identifiers under iOS Apps.


  1. Select App Groups under Identifiers.


  1. Then you find the List of all App Groups you have created,Select the one you want to delete,there you find the option to delete the App Group.



Latest Apple Developer portal moved it to the top right of the Identifiers page在此处输入图片说明

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