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svg.js / svg-pan-zoom - doubleclick interactions

I am using Ariutta's svg-pan-zoom with svg.js. I have disabled the native Arriuta doubleclick functionality and have tried adding my own, which ultimately consists of a pan adjustment and an animation.

Usually this works fine, but sometimes when I load my page the doubleclick function acts strangely. According to my debugging, it looks like sometimes when my app loads, the doubleclick function I wrote is called twice for each doubleclick. This causes the animation to behave strangely, and there seems to be no consistent basis for when this issue arises. Restarting my server sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. I pretty much just have to continue reloading my page until the issue goes away.

My initial thoughts are that maybe there is something off in the load order of my files, and sometimes things load out of order. Currently investigating this. My other thought was that maybe this has something to do with the svg.js animation library or my trying to replace the native double-click function in arriuta's plugin. Thoughts?

myApp.service('AnimatorService', function(){
   this.dblClickBehavior = function(svgCanvas, zoom){   

            // get pan
            pan = zoom.getPan();

            // get screen width and height
            var sizes = zoom.getSizes();
            var centerX = (sizes.width)/2;
            var centerY = (sizes.height)/2;

            // get center position of svg object double clicked 
            var x0 = this.instance.first().attr('cx');
            var y0 = this.instance.first().attr('cy');

            //determine the correct pan value necessary to center the svg
            panAdjustX = centerX - x0*sizes.realZoom;
            panAdjustY = centerY - y0*sizes.realZoom;

            //center the svg object by adjust pan
            zoom.pan({'x' :centerX - x0*sizes.realZoom, 'y' : centerY - y0*sizes.realZoom});

            //simple animation on the object


When it behaves correctly, the svg image centers and then grows. When it behaves incorrectly, it centers and then shrinks into nothingness.

You tagged svg.js so I will give an svg.js answer. There is a plugin svg.panZoom.js now which can be used to easily implement the functionality you want:

var canvas = SVG('container').viewbox(0,0,1000,1000)

canvas.image('https://www.zooroyal.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/cat-2783601_1920.jpg', 1000, 1000)
  .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'none')

canvas.on('dblclick', function(e) {
  var p = this.point(e.pageX, e.pageY)
  var zoomLvl = 3

  // zoom into point p to zoomLvl
  canvas.animate().zoom(zoomLvl, p)

Here is a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Fuzzy/95t6oL8y/5/

When you want to be able to panZoom your svg, too. Just add a call to canvas.panZoom()

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