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Modify Pandas dataframe to list year month and date

I would like to modify the data frame I am creating below:

from datetime import date
from dateutil.rrule import rrule, DAILY, YEARLY
from dateutil.relativedelta import *
import pandas

START_YR = 2010
END_YR = 2013

strt_date = datetime.date(START_YR, 1, 1)
end_date  = datetime.date(END_YR, 12, 31)

dt = rrule(DAILY, dtstart=strt_date, until=end_date)

serie_1 = pandas.Series(np.random.randn(dt.count()), \
        index = pandas.date_range(strt_date, end_date))

How can I create a dataframe with year month and date as separate columns?

Convert the series to a DataFrame and then add the new columns as Pandas periods. If you just want the month as an integer, see the 'month_int' example.

df = pd.DataFrame(serie_1)
df['month'] = [ts.to_period('M') for ts in df.index]
df['year'] = [ts.to_period('Y') for ts in df.index]
df['month_int'] = [ts.month for ts in df.index]

>>> df
                   0   month   year  month_int

2010-01-01  0.332370  2010-01  2010          1
2010-01-02 -0.036814  2010-01  2010          1
2010-01-03  1.751511  2010-01  2010          1
...              ...      ...   ...        ...
2013-12-29  0.345707  2013-12  2013         12
2013-12-30 -0.395924  2013-12  2013         12
2013-12-31 -0.614565  2013-12  2013         12

It will be significantly faster to just access the datetime attributes:

df['date'] = df.index.date
df['year'] = df.index.year
df['month'] = df.index.month

compare the timings with the list comprehension method:

In [25]:

df['month'] = [ts.to_period('M') for ts in df.index]
df['year'] = [ts.to_period('Y') for ts in df.index]
df['month_int'] = [ts.month for ts in df.index]
1 loops, best of 3: 664 ms per loop
In [26]:

df['date'] = df.index.date
df['year'] = df.index.year
df['month'] = df.index.month

100 loops, best of 3: 5.96 ms per loop

So using the datetime properties is over 100X faster

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