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A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

Webform1.aspx has grid.Grid contain edit button. On click of edit button, user is redirected to webform2.aspx page. A Querystring id is passed to Webform2.aspx . Webform2.aspx shows all data of that id. Webform contain dropdownlist, textboxes and button etc.

I am fetching record from database and assigning to control like dropdownlist, textbox and button. When assigning value to textbox that contain < or > and trying to update the record. It throws an exception. Exception is A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client . So I tried to use htmlencode method.

Below is my code In cs file

 public partial class Webform1 : System.Web.UI.Page
     string strUrl="";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    // Fetching value from database and assigning to string   
    Textbox1.Text= dr["URL"].ToString();
    // directly use string 
   //strUrl= dr["URL"].ToString();

    protected void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
    string s2 ="";  
    string s3 = "";             
    strUrl= Textbox1.Text;                   
         if ((strUrl.Contains("<")) || (strUrl.Contains(">")))
           s2 = Server.HtmlEncode("<");
           s3 = Server.HtmlEncode(">");
           strUrl= strPingUrl.Replace("<", s2);
           strUrl= strPingUrl.Replace(">", s3);                                    
     Textbox1.Text =strUrl; 
    // updation code

When I will try to insert it throws exception.Instead of assigning value to textbox if i use string.It is working. I am able to update the record. But I don't want like this. User can change the value in textbox. So I want to take value from textbox.

To disable request validation on a page you must set the validateRequest attribute of the Page directive to false:

<%@ Page validateRequest="false" %> 

To disable request validation for your application, you must modify or create a Web.config file for your application and set the validateRequest attribute of the section to false:

      <pages validateRequest="false" />

If you wish to disable request validation for all applications on your server, you can make this modification to your Machine.config file.

In .NET 4 you may need to add to web.config:

 <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> 


  1. http://www.asp.net/whitepapers/request-validation
  2. http://www.asp.net/whitepapers/aspnet4/breaking-changes#0.1__Toc245724857

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