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ng-init is not working as expected

I am trying to initialize model value as per the column value of the grid. I have this object which I want initialize using ng-init. but when I see in the ng inspector, model value is always undefined. AID is dynamic value in the kendo grid.

   <input type="checkbox" ng-init=""obj['#: AID#']='Y'"" ng-model=""obj['#: AID#']"">


 var testController = function($scope){
        $scope.obj= {};

this is how final markup looks like

<input type="checkbox" ng-init="ps['test']=('Y' == 'N')" ng-model="ps['test']" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched">

I expect the model ps['test'] to be false. But it is always undefined. Please help


<input type="checkbox" ng-init="obj['m']=true" ng-model="obj['m']">

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