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How can I make this function work with recursion?


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function Triangle ($begin, $end) {
    if ($begin < 0 || $end < 0) {
    if ($begin == $end) {
        return $a;
    else {
        // non recursive
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $end; $i++) {
            for ($j = $begin; $j <= $i; $j++) {

                echo $j . " ";
            echo "<br>";

This is what I made so far.

Here's one way:

function triangle ($begin, $end, $row = 1) {
    //stop when we've printed up to end
    if($end - $begin + 1 < $row) return;

    //let's start at the beginning :)
    for($i = 0; $i < $row; $i++){
        //the row number increments each time so we can keep adding.
        echo ($begin + $i)." ";
    echo "<br>";
    //now recurse...
    triangle($begin, $end, $row + 1);




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This should work for you:

(Here I just added the variable step which defines how many steps you make from $begin to $end and if $begin + $step == $end the function is done. If not It starts from $begin and makes X steps and as long as it doesn't reach the end I call the function again with a step more)


    function Triangle($begin, $end, $step = 0) {

        for($count = $begin; $count <= ($begin+$step); $count++)
            echo "$count ";
        echo "<br />";

        if(($begin + $step) == $end)
            Triangle($begin, $end, ++$step);


    Triangle(3, 8);



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