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nodejs, control over concurrent connections

I am using nodejs async module for concurrent connectios, Now my backend server only can handle 1000 connections at a time, I am using async.mapLimit to limit the connections, each and every job of async.mapLimit does multiple connections, when I am sending the same request which does async.mapLimit from multiple browser at the same time, then I am getting EMFILE error from Server side

([Error: connect EMFILE] code: 'EMFILE', errno: 'EMFILE', syscall: 'connect'), 

My code somewhat looks like this:

async.mapLimit(jobList, 200, jobCallback, function(error, data) {

function jobCallback(job, callback) {
    /* Make multiple connections to to backend server, this number is 
       dynamic, here also I use async.mapLimit */

Now I want to implement some wrapper function top of this mapLimit or anything, irrespective of number of parallel requests, I want to limit the concurrent connections, even irrespective of number of client calls also, it may be slower, but I do not bother.

How I can achieve this?

I am using restler library. I have tried to set

proto.globalAgent.maxSockets = 1000

to do concurrent 1000 connections at a time, but it seems it is not working. Please advise.


You will have to control for throttling yourself, as that async instruction won't know if you have calls from other users adding to the 1000 limit.

In REST services, a service would typically send an http 429 response when such a limit is triggered, allowing your app to identify a bottleneck scenario and trigger a throttling mechanism.

A common way to do that is via exponential backoff https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/java/google-http-java-client/backoff

I use the following line of code to manage the limit globally:

require('events').EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 1000;


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