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How to make menu to slide right on click using HTML and CSS?

I have an HTML page in which there is an side menu bar that displays a list of dashboards which is done using Django. i want this menu(left-side menu) to show only a part of it when logged in and show fully after clicking on it.

The code for the html looks like this:

 <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3 col-md-2 sidebar"> <ul class="nav nav-sidebar"> <li><span style="color:blue; font-weight:bold;">Dashboards</span></li> {% for Dashboard in dashboards %} <li><a href="{{ Dashboard.d_url }}" target="iframe_a">{{ Dashboard.d_name }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> 

since i am not familiar with jquery and all i want to know if there are any ways which works with only css and javascript to do this. when i open my html file it looks like this 在此处输入图片说明 after clicking on icon 在此处输入图片说明

Is not very clear what you are trying to do, but i understand that is something like transition: left 1s; or transition: transform 1s ; and when you press your button toggles a class for changing left or transform: translateX(value); styles like this example

But also you need to understand if that menu will push your other content or not.

That's a basic transition and a basic Layout i'm not sure if it fits on your requirements. Also for IE9 and older browsers support you might want to check animations using jQuery or jQuery UI

check out this code of javascript which does required

 $("#menu-button").bind( "click", function() { $('#mobile-menu').toggleClass('open'); $('#overlay').show(0); }); $("#overlay").bind( "click", function() { $('#mobile-menu').removeClass('open'); $('#overlay').hide(0); //basically so that clicking outside closes the menu; but on mobile I think it's immediately undoing the add class above }); $('#menu-button').click(function(){ $(this).find('span').toggleClass('glyphicon-chevron-right glyphicon-chevron-left') }); 

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