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Google map doesnt zoom in

I have the following function which takes the zoom level. However when I call the setCenter with my positional coords + zoom the map doesn't zoom in where I want to. The position of my info window is correct though. Here is the function:

function gotoLocation  (longitude, latitude, zoom, isDefault) {
            var position = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
            var info;
            if (isDefault == true) {
                info = "<p style='font-weight:bold; font-size:12;'>Default reference point.</p>";
                info += "<p style='font-size:12;'> Click on the map to select a new location. </p>";
            else {
                info = "<p style='font-weight:bold; font-size:12;'>Current reference point.</p>";
                info += "<p style='font-size:12;'> Click on the map to select a new location. </p>";

            if (window.infoWindow) window.infoWindow.close();
            window.infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: info,
                position: position,
                anchor: window.refPointMarker

            window.map.setCenter(position, zoom);

Any idea what am I doing wrong here please?

Use the setZoom function to set your zoom instead of setCenter.

var foo = 5;

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