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Swift: Invoking subclass function in base class version of init

In Swift, how can you invoke a subclass's function in the base class's init method? Essentially, the goal is to ensure each subclass invokes its own version of initGrid , and then all the code to set numRows and numCols is defined only once, in the base class.

However, when initializing a subclass, the initGrid function from the base class -- not the subclass -- is run instead. This results in an array index exception since grid is empty unless the subclass creates it.

class BaseGrid {
    var grid = [[NodeType]]()
    var numRows = 0
    var numCols = 0

    init() {
        // Init grid

        // Set <numRows>
        numRows = grid.count

        // Set <numCols>
        numCols = grid[0].count

        // Verify each row contains same number of columns
        for row in 0..<numRows {
            assert(grid[row].count == numCols)

    // Subclasses override this function
    func initGrid() {}

class ChildGrid: BaseGrid {

    override init() {

    override func initGrid() {
        grid = [
                [NodeType.Blue, NodeType.Blue, NodeType.Blue],
                [NodeType.Red, NodeType.Red, NodeType.Red],
                [NodeType.Empty, NodeType.Blue, NodeType.Empty]


if you will subclass and override initGrid, it will call method in current scope. In base class, you can stay it empty, as abstract. Ie:

class AdvancedGrid: BaseGrid {
    override init() {

    override func initGrid() {
        // here is you custom alghoritm

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