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Facebook SDK v4 and Parse SDK

I have been trying to implement facebook login/signup methods with parse on my app but since the v4 update i haven't been able to. I followed the exact steps provided by both Parse and Facebook but something is not working. I know that Parse SDK contains FacebookUtilsV4.framework but their functions are not working. Has anyone been able to get this working after the V4 update?

The PFLoginViewController that is part of the Parse UI framework now also supports FB login with SKD v4. See source code on GitHub.

I'm using it with Parse 1.7.1, so v4 support is definitely working.

I believe at https://www.parse.com/docs/ios_guide#fbusers-signup/iOS , it states that Parse is compatible with version 3.2 of the Facebook iOS SDK.

I was looking for a solution for android development as well when I came across this sentence, which is weird because Parse did include in the SDK docs ( https://parse.com/docs/ios/api/Classes/PFFacebookUtils.html ) stating that Warning: This class supports official Facebook iOS SDK v4.0+ and is available only on iOS.

If Parse sees this question, please either renew the guide or the tutorial with some samples on how to integrate facebook login using the newest SDK.

EDIT: For now, I think it is safe to either use the v3.x Facebook SDK or just follow Facebook's tutorial on how to use their v4.x SDK. But I m not sure if you can integrate that with ParseUser when the user logs in using his/her facebook if you use v4.x

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