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fullPage.js, scrollDelay not working

ScrollDelay will not work using the following code placed correctly. What am I doing wrong?


var scrollDelay = 500;

Also, can not seem to figure out what is wrong with the navigation on the right side and in the slides.

ScrollDelay will not work using the following code placed correctly. What am I doing wrong?

scrollDelay stop being used in fullPage.js since version 2.5.7 as a new technique to prevent double sliding was developed. In fact, you won't find any reference to it neither in the code nor in the docs.

Also, can not seem to figure out what is wrong with the navigation on the right side and in the slides.

Your are initializing the plugin multiple times...

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                verticalCentered: false

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                sectionsColor: ['', '#F3F5F1', '#7BAABE', 'whitesmoke'],
                anchors: ['homepage', 'about', 'works', 'contact'],
                menu: '#menu',
                scrollingSpeed: 1000


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