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Scala Playframework send file

I have a string of data, which I get from data in my database. I want to send it to the user, but without creating a local copy of the file, something like


But it is not working. How can I do it?

You can do this by using chunked with an Enumerator . I've also used withHeaders to specify the content type and disposition of the Result to "attachment", so that the client will interpret it as a file to download (rather than opening in the browser itself).

import play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator

val myString: String = ??? // the String you want to send as a file

     "Content-Type" -> "text/csv",
     "Content-Disposition" -> "attachment; filename=mystring.csv"

This might not compile right away, depending on the types you're getting from the database.

Come to think of it, this should also work (without the Enumerator ):

 Ok(myString).withHeaders( /* headers from above */ )

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