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Univariate adaptive kernel density estimation in R

Is there an R function which can calculate an adaptive kernel density function for univariate observations. What about akj (package quantreg )? Thanks.

I do not know about the package but it is quite simple to implement it yourself (this will also make your understand exactly what you are doing), for example lets take these values in the plan:

g = 5
n = 100
df = data.frame(x = unlist(lapply(1:g, function(i) rnorm(n/g, runif(1)*i))),
                y= unlist(lapply(1:g, function(i) rnorm(n/g, runif(1)*i))))



Let's assume you want to estimate the density at three point x1 = c(6,-1) , x2 = c(0.3, 2) , x3=c(3, -0.5) on this distribution. The density should be weak on x1, high on x2 and the density on x3 should be between these two low and high densities:

points(6,-1, col='red', pch=19)
points(0.3,2, col='blue', pch=19)
points(3,-0.5, col='green', pch=19)


According to the definition of an adaptative kernel density function:



gaussianKernel = function(u, h) exp(-sum(u^2)/(2*h^2))

densityFunction = function(x, df, ker, h)
    difference = t(t(df) - x)
    W = sum(apply(difference, 1, ker, h=h))

myDensityFunction = Curry(densityFunction, df=df, ker=gaussianKernel , h=2)

And we have the confirmation of the intuitive result: 0 <= P(x1) < P(x3) < P(x2) <=1

#> myDensityFunction(x1)
#[1] 0.02140895
#> myDensityFunction(x2)
#[1] 0.1146402
#> myDensityFunction(x3)
#[1] 0.09341908

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