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How to get Devise in Rails skip_confirmation to actually not send an email?

I've been trying to seed users to test out my Rails site and ran into the issue that on saving the user, my setup would send out a confirmation email. Multiply that times 100 dummy users and you have a problem. Rails documentation and SO led me to skip_confirmation! , along the following lines [0]:

user = User.new(:username => name, :email => email, :password =>    password)

However, (surprise surprise) this still sent out an email with every save. How can I get Devise to stop doing this?

[0] https://stackoverflow.com/a/8673771/4283301

Devise's #skip_confirmation! is misleading. It says "If you don't want confirmation to be sent on create, neither a code to be generated, call skip_confirmation!."

Really what I was looking for in this case was #skip_confirmation_notification! . The documentation makes the distinction that this "Skips sending the confirmation/reconfirmation notification email after_create/after_update."

This works! To get the above code to not send out a confirmation email, it should look like this:

user = User.new(:username => name, :email => email, :password =>    password)

You could also simply remove :confirmable from the code below in your user.rb file

devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :confirmable, :async

In your test environment ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method should be set to :test , which means that these emails will not be sent out.

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