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Facebook Unity SDK Auto Login not happening?

I have kept the Status flag of FB.Init() as true. Still after I quit my app , FB never logs back again.I have to re-login everytime. Although it says that it'll attempt to relogin from a valid session data. What am I missing here?

Here's the code:

private void CallFBInit()
        FB.Init(OnInitComplete, OnHideUnity);


    private void OnInitComplete()
        if (FB.IsLoggedIn) 
            Debug.Log ("Loggedin userid:  " + FB.UserId);   


    private void OnHideUnity(bool isGameShown)
        if (!isGameShown)                                                                        
            // pause the game - we will need to hide                                             
            Time.timeScale = 0;                                                                  
            // start the game back up - we're getting focus again                                
            Time.timeScale = 1;                                                                  

    private void LoginFB()
        FB.Login("email,public_profile, user_friends", LoginCallback);

    private void LogoutFB()
        if (FB.IsLoggedIn) 


    private void LoginCallback(FBResult result)
        // Call Cognito Login for FB as well
        AWSManager.FacebookLoginCallback (result);

        if (result.Error != null)

        else if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) 

        else if(FB.IsLoggedIn)



    public void OnClickedOnFBButton()
        //Debug.Log ("clicked on facebook button");

        LoginFB ();

EDIT: It's only giving issues on iOS , works fine on Android.

Are u checking the FB.IsLoggedIn after the facebook initialization. From what i see in the code is that the OnClickedOnFBButton() might be called before the fb is actually initialized. So always the FB.IsLoggedIn might return false which calls your loginFB() method again

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