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ElasticSearch NEST return specific fields

I'm trying to write a query that will give me back only one of the fields. Right now I'm storing the filePath of a file and the contents of a file and in my search I want to search against the contents, but only return the filePath.

I'm starting with this statement:

var searchResults = client.Search<File>(
        s => s.Query(q => q.Wildcard(w => w.Value("*" + genre + "*").OnField("fileContents"))).AllIndices().AllTypes());

Which returns results in searchResults.Documents and adding .Fields to it:

var searchResults = client.Search<File>(
        s => s.Query(q => q.Wildcard(w => w.Value("*" + genre + "*").OnField("fileContents"))).AllIndices().AllTypes().Fields(f=>f.filePath));

And it doesn't have anything in searchResults.Documents but it shows the number of hits correctly using searchResults.Hits.Total .

The File class is just:

public class File
  public string filePath { get; set; }
  public string fileContents { get; set; }

This generates the following json request:

"fields": [
"query": {
    "wildcard": {
     "fileContents": {
        "value": "*int*"

Which when ran in Sense returns results and when doing searchResults.Hits.Total gives the number of hits.

However, there is no records in the searchResults.Document IEnumerable.

Is there a different way I'm supposed to be returning the one specific field?

Use the "source" field to specify which fields you want to pull back. Here is sample code from my application that only returns some fields.

        var searchResults = ElasticClient.Search<AuthForReporting>(s => s
            .From(gridSortData.PageIndex * gridSortData.PageSize)
            .Source(sr => sr
                .Include(fi => fi
                    .Add(f => f.AuthEventID)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.AuthEventDate)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthInput.UID)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.CodeID)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.AuthenticationSuccessful)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthInput.UserName)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.ProductID)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.ProductName)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthInput.AuthType)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.Address.City)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.Address.State)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.Address.CountryCode)
                    .Add(f => f.AuthResult.RulesFailed)

You then access the fields through the "source" in the result:

            var finalResult = from x in searchResults.Hits
                   select new AlertListRow
                              AlertCode = x.Source.AlertCode,
                              AlertDate = x.Source.AlertDate,
                              AlertID = x.Id,
                              AlertSummary = x.Source.Subject,
                              AlertMessage = x.Source.Body

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