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Protractor: element.getText() returns an object and not String

I have an element defined as

this.clientRowName = element(by.id('CLIENT_NAME')); //page object file

I want to read the text in this element which is "ABC" but doing: var client = page.clientRowName.getText();

returns an object instead of a string. Is there any other way that I can get the text for the element

getText() returns a promise , you need to resolve it:

page.clientRowName.getText().then(function (text) {

Or, if you just want to assert the text, let expect() resolve the promise for you:


Promises and the Control Flow documentation page should clear things up.

Another solution may be to use async/await .

class Page {
  constructor() {
    this.clientRowName = $('#CLIENT_NAME');


it('should console.log client name', async () => {
  const client = await Page.clientRowName.getText();

If you're in 2021, you will want to read this answer

according to protractors documentation, .getText() returns a promise.

The best way to handle a promise, as of 2021, is to use async/await keywords. This will make Protractor 'freeze' and wait, until the promise is resolved before running the next command

it('test case 1', async () => {
  let text = await page.clientRowName.getText();

.then() can also be used, but using async/await will make your code a lot more readable and easier to debug.


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