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AngularJS and the effect of the promise value when calling a local function - undefined

I am really new to Angular and am working on bypassing a DB call that I don't want to use any more. Between the response from the code that calls the DB and my new code that accesses a stored variable (via getter), the only difference is that the response object's $promise value is undefined (in the new code) instead of Object (in the old code). This difference seems to be resulting in the following error: TypeError: undefined is not a function ; I am using AngularJS v1.2.0-rc.3 Do I have to be using an async call for the $promise value to be set to an Object or is there a way to manually set/cast it?

Here are some code snippets:

Factory (QueryService):

var recentResponse = null;

var getRecentResponse = function() {
   return recentResponse;

var doQuery = function (input, handler, errorHandler) {
    MyResource.saveInput(input, function (response) {
            // save JSON response locally (NEW!)
            recentResponse = response;
            // save JSON response to DB via handler (old)
        function (errors) {

var getQueryById = function(id, handler) {
    // query the DB
    MyResource.getObjectWithId(id, function(response) {

return {
    doQuery: doQuery,
    getQueryById: getQueryById,
    getRecentResponse: getRecentResponse


function loadQueryById(id) {
   // call the DB query
   QueryService.getQueryById(id, function(response) {
      $scope.query = response;
      $scope.query.val2 = $scope.getVal2();

function loadLastQueryResponse() {
   // load from local var
   $scope.query = QueryService.getRecentResponse();
   $scope.query.val2 = $scope.getVal2();


$scope.getVal2 = function() {
    return $scope.query.value2 ? JSON.parse($scope.query.value2) : "";

When loadQueryById() is called $scope.query is set with the $promise field = Object ; when loadLastQueryResponse() is called, all the $scope.query fields are exactly the same except $promise is undefined , and the following line fails with the error when trying to call $scope.getVal2() :

TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at loadLastQueryResponse (MyController.js:20)

The $scope.query.$resolved field is true in both cases.

Does my Angular version have something to do with it, or the fact that I am not waiting on a promise to be fulfilled (because I don't need to be)? I also tried calling QueryService.getRecentResponse() with a handler, and I also tried using the then() format (which I may or may not have implemented correctly) but the result was the same.

Function and variable names have been changed to protect the innocent. Thanks in advance!

As answered by @laurent in the comments, the issue was that once the request was no longer calling the DB asynchronously, and instead calling the function synchronously; so the $scope.getVal2 = function () {..} declaration had to be moved above function loadLastQueryResponse(){..} so the calling code within the latter knows about the function implementation of the former.

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