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Why vim's <Leader> key not working when I want to use bufexplorer or vim-buffergator plugin?

I am using Ubuntu now.

I used vundle installed bufexplorer and vim-buffergator plugin for vim. But when I type ¥be or ¥b , the <Leader> key ¥ not working in the vim editor. Is it necessary to set something in the ~/.vimrc file?

I didn't meet this problem until now, even I used Ubuntu or CentOS before.

Check out whether the mappings have actually been defined via:

:verbose nmap <Leader>b

This will also show what key the <Leader> key is configured to. If there's no output, check whether the plugin has been correctly installed (output of :scriptnames lists the plugin script, commands like :BufExplorer are available, etc.)

vim-buffergator explanation mentioned conflict with bufexplorer .

From https://github.com/jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator :

[NOTE: If you have other plugins installed that have key maps that start with "<Leader>b" (eg, BufExplorer, which uses "<Leader>bs", "<Leader>bv", etc.), then you may notice a slight delay or lag when typing the default "<Leader>b" to start Buffergator. In this case, you should either use another keymap for Buffergator or BufExplorer.]

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