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How to change color of div on link click and then when other link is clicked, another div changes color, previous is set to default color

I have a link that lieds me to specific <div> on my page. This is a page content. When i click on link, send me to specific place on my page (title of table). I'd like, that when i click on that link, the <div> (title of table) is colored red. Then when i click on another link (another <div> and another title of table) previous <div> is colored back in black and new <div> is colored red...etc.

This is my code so far:

<button onclick="SetAllTitleColorToBlack()">Refresh page</button>
        <div id="kazalo" height="50" style="padding-left:25; font-size:16px"> <b><u>Page content:</u></b>
                <li> <a href="#one"> link to one </a></li>
                <li> <a href="#two"> link to two </a></li>
                <li> <a href="#three"> link to three </a></li>
                <li> <a href="#four"> link to four </a></li>
                <li> <a href="#five"> link to five </a></li>

        <script> <!-- script, da kazalo strani sledi strani, če gremo dol, gre tudi kazalo dol -->
                $(window).scroll(function () {
                    'marginTop': $(window).scrollTop() + 'px',
                    'marginLeft': $(window).scrollLeft() + 'px'
                }, 'slow');
            var totaltext = '';
            for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)) {
                totaltext += 'scroll!<br />';
    <td style="padding-left:50">        
        <div id="one"> one </div>
        <div id="two"> two </div>
        <div id="three"> three </div>
        <div id="four"> four </div>
        <div id="five"> five </div>

So when i click on "link to one" page moves me to <div> with id="one" and title "one" must be colored red. If i click now on "link to three" , page moves me to <div> with id="three" and title "three" must be colored red, title "one" must be colored in default color, so black in this case.

I also need a refresh button, when i click on this button, all colors of titles are set to default (black) color.

Thanks for or the help

You can just do:

div:target {

to color divs when clicked with css.

For reset you could just make a empty link <a href="#"> reset </a>

Here is a working example.

You could add / remove an class (active for example) to the specific div. The example below shows this - you would however need to make some minor changes.

First Part

<li> <a class="navLink" href="#one"> link to one </a></li>

<td id="myContent" style="padding-left:50">        
    <div id="one"> one </div>
    <div id="two"> two </div>
    <div id="three"> three </div>
    <div id="four"> four </div>
    <div id="five"> five </div>


    $('.navLink').click(function() {


    .active { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }

Working fiddle:


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