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Javascript - break in textarea but not in paragraph

I have a question:

I have a QR Code Scanner which gets a VCard. Im getting back the following String: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 FN:John Doe N:doe;john END:VCARD

The problem is the following: When putting this Information (via Javascript) in a textarea or just dump it to an alert winow, the information has breaks in between, looking like this:

FN:John Doe

But when putting this information into a paragraph ( <p></p> ), it has no breaks in it and it's just a plain string.

The question is now, can I put those breaks into the paragraph as well or can I insert another sign or anything else in between the attributes?

I thought about just splitting the string on blanks, but it's not working because eg FN itself contains blanks as wel...

Thanks for your help.

Edit: Unfortunatelly, all 3 advices don't work..

What I have now is the following:

 function writeqrcodecontent(){
            var textfeld = document.getElementById("inhaltvonqrcode");
            var wert = $.scriptcam.getBarCode();
            //wert.replace("\n", "<br>");
            textfeld.innerHTML = wert;

But as said, all three commented out lines do not work, everything is still displayed in one line.

The paragraph is defined with:

 <p id="inhaltvonqrcode" style="display:none; clear:both;"></p

I understand your ideas but I don't understand why it's not working...

By the way, what I also tried is something like wert.split('\\n').join('#'); to see, if it's really the break or it's just not working, but this doesn't work as well, so the text just seems to have no \\n in it..


It's working now, I neeeded to do both steps in one step, so not

var wert = $.scriptcam.getBarCode();


var wert = ($.scriptcam.getBarCode()).split('\n').join('<br/>');

Thanks for your help!

The string you get back likely contains newline characters \\n . To get them to display with the newlines intact in HTML, you can either wrap everything returned with <pre></pre> in your HTML. Or split on newline \\n and replace it with <br /> .

text.split('\n').join('<br />')


该行将全部替换为<br />

Your barcode reader is reading the vCard with \\n newline, however the pure html this newline is ignored.

in Javascript you can just use something like

someText.replace("\n", "<br>");

and it will do what you want. In php its the nl2br function

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