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Unable to reference mysqli in PHPStorm, using PHPUnit

On my Windows 7 machine, with PHP v5.6.7 and MySQL v5.6.23, and using PHPStorm 8, I am attempting to instantiate a mysqli object within a PHPUnit test. When I try, I get:

Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found in...

If I am running the project as a "Built-in Web Server," it IS able to instantiate mysqli objects. Just not when using PHPUnit. Also, I am able to get other autoloaded classes that that I create in PHPUnit tests. The combination of PHPUnit test and mysqli specifically fails.

Here is regular server code that works:

use HeloAuth\Sql\MysqliFactory;
$object = MysqliFactory::create();
echo "Success";

, and here is the unit test code that does not:

namespace HeloAuth\Sql;
use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;

class MysqliFactoryTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    public function testCreate_shouldReturnValidMysqli()
        $actual = MysqliFactory::create();

MysqliFactory does nothing but create a new mysqli object with the right host, user, etc.

Is the mysqli being loaded in the CLI? It could be loaded in web requests, but not on the command line.

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