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Add remote server as git remote

I tried to add a Git remote with

git remote add remote-server ssh://domain_name.com/opt/test/testapp.git

git push remote-server master

The problem is that I am trying to push from the local server as user 'kute', and the file opt/test/testapp.git is owned by another user, say 'test'. So, when I run git push remote-server master , I get the following permission issue:

fatal: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied error: pack-objects died of signal 13 error: failed to push some refs to

Is there any solution to this permission issue?

You must not push directly to remote repository own by another person.

You must use a "share" repository and add your public ssh key in the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the unix user that own the "share" repository.

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