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Bash counting directories, subdirectories and files

I have had a look at all the other answers on stack overflow and have spent all day on this.

The first thing I am trying to do is count all the directories/subdirectories in a the specified directory, which ideally should be pretty simple. To begin with I ask the user to enter the directory name.

#Choosing directory
echo "Please type in directory cd: [directory name]"
read dirname
cd $dirname
echo "Entering directory" 

This is working fine. Next there are two methods I have tried for finding the number of folders.

The directory I am testing has 6 directories/subdirectories in total within it and 3 files.

The first method is using 'find' and 'wc' on its own, however this outputs a string " 7" with spaces in front, I do not want to count the directory that we have selected. I also can't subtract one from this value if I set it as a variable as it is a string with spaces at the front.

direnum=`find . -type d | wc -l`
echo "$direnum"

(result = 7)(require result = 6)

The second method is using a 'for loop' along with 'find' and 'wc'. This method works fine, but is extremely slow when there is many files.

for d in `find . -type d` 
   i=`expr $i + 1`

#dont include the directory currently in
i=`expr $i - 1`

#output results
echo "Directories: $i"

(result = 6)(require result = 6)

I also tried both methods with the files, however it does not output the correct number. I have 3 files within the directory, the first method outputs 5 and the second method outputs the result 8 not sure how this works.

First method for file count

#Check number of files in directory
filenum=`find . -type f | wc -l`
echo "$filenum"

Again results in a string " 5" with lots of spaces in front.

(result = 5)(require result = 3)

Second method for file count

#Check number of files in directory
for f in `find . -type f` 
    j=`expr $j + 1`

(result = 8)(require result = 3)

If someone could put me on the right track it would be appreciated, I am not expecting a full solution, ideally I would like to figure it out on my own but I am probably doing something wrong.


find . -mindepth 1 -type d | wc -l

Further to my comment:

declare -i direnum
direnum=$(find . -type d|wc -l)
(( direnum-- ))
echo "$direnum"

By the way, notice that I am using $( ... ) rather than back-ticks, Back-ticks are considered bad practice and obsolete.

The command "tree" counts files and folder from a relative position

tree /path

will give you the information. Do you need to use that info in other scripts?

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