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Knockoutjs does not update viewmodel

In my view I have file input:

<input type="file" class="file-input" name="file_source" size="40"  onchange=''>

And span, in which I am showing the uploaded filename:

<span class='label label-info' id="upload-file-info" data-bind="text: image"></span>

$(".file-input").change(function() {
           var elem = $("#upload-file-info");
           elem.html = $(this).val();

This span is binded with knockoutjs:

viewModel = {
image: ko.observable()


The problem is that the observable do not updates when I update the span text. Althought I have the filename in the span, the observable is empty. How can I make the observable to update itself when the span text changes ?

I did a quick fiddle according to my comment on your question. This should work:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    'use strict';

    $(".file-input").change(function () {
        var elem = $("#upload-file-info");

    var viewModel = {
        image: ko.observable()
    viewModel.image.subscribe(function (value) {


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