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How to decode and play the .h264 video from amazon s3 server in android?

I have .h264 videos in server, how to decode that video and playing in android?

I am using the FFMPEG to play those videos but in FFMPEG sample it takes the video from SD-card and successfully play's the video. I am using the surface view to play those videos. My question is how to play .h264 video from amazon s3 server in android?

Thanks in advance.

Make your videos(files) in the s3 bucket public,
and use that public url, it will be accessible everywhere.


You can use a VideoView . Here is an example:

VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.videoView);
//Use a media controller so that you can scroll the video contents
//and also to pause, start the video.
MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(this); 

You should provide the URI (having a String url variable, where it has the url of the video) with this code Uri.parse(url) . And also be sure if the url is appropriate. Also provide the appropriate permissions to your app (since it uses the internet you will need to add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" > in your app's Manifest.xml Finally you should define your activity MediaPlayerActivity in in your app's Manifest.xml

You can also use MediaPlayer . The Android developers site has a good tutorial here .


According to this , Android supports h.264 Baseline Profile playback. So your h.264 video is not Baseline Profile or possibly it contains an unsupported audio.

You should note that there are many h.64 flavors, so you should check your video file: http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/2010/07/h264-video.html


I have Complete solve my issue by this code May be It will Help you.




         String FileUrl="decoded url";
         MediaController mediacontroller = new MediaController(this);
        Uri video = Uri.parse(FileUrl);



<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

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