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Xpath/Xquery on BaseX bringing back no results

Trying to use XPath/Xquery for the first time, within BaseX and i have a collection/database of opendata.gov for carpark snippet below,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CarParkDataImport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"     xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.transportdirect.info/carparking B:/CODE/carparks/CarParking.xsd" xmlns="http://www.transportdirect.info/carparking">
    <CarParkName>Nunnery Lane</CarParkName>
    <Address>Nunnery Lane--York--North Yorkshire</Address>
    <Postcode>YO23 1AA</Postcode>

what i am trying to do is find where the location is a certain place, in this instance "Nunnery Lane" and then return the carpark reference so i tried (the db is called Car_park_data, and has 8 documents inside)

collection("Car_park_data")/CarParkDataImport/CarPark[Location="Nunnery Lane"]/CarParkRef

and then tried flowr

for $x in collection("Car_park_data")/CarParkDataImport/CarPark
where $x/Location="Nunnery Lane"
order by $x/CarParkRef
return $x/CarParkRef

both bring back no hits..the full details the first query is(the result bit of basex)

- pre-evaluating fn:collection("Car_park_data")
- adding text() step
- applying text index
collection("Car_park_data")/CarParkDataImport/CarPark[Location="Nunnery  Lane"]/CarParkRef
Optimized Query:
db:text("Car_park_data", "Nunnery  Lane")/parent::Location/parent::CarPark[parent::CarParkDataImport/parent::docume nt-node()]/CarParkRef
- Hit(s): 0 Items
- Updated: 0 Items
- Printed: 0 Bytes
- Read Locking: local [Car_park_data]
- Write Locking: none
- Parsing: 1.33 ms
- Compiling: 0.54 ms
- Evaluating: 0.36 ms
- Printing: 0.28 ms
- Total Time: 2.52 ms
Query plan:
 <ValueAccess data="Car_park_data" type="TEXT">
  <Str value="Nunnery Lane" type="xs:string"/>
 <IterStep axis="parent" test="Location"/>
  <IterStep axis="parent" test="CarPark">
    <IterStep axis="parent" test="CarParkDataImport"/>
    <IterStep axis="parent" test="document-node()"/>
   <IterStep axis="child" test="CarParkRef"/>

what am i doing wrong, As i said using basex, you can see that it its viable Xpat/Xquery, (ie basex reports no errors) but i am guessing something wrong in my Xquery?

if i do an "find" with BaseX for "Nunnery Lane" this is the results that come back

/descendant-or-self::*[text() contains text "Nunnery Lane"]
- Hit(s): 4 Items
- Updated: 0 Items
- Printed: 601 Bytes
- Read Locking: global
- Write Locking: global

so i then tried adding the contains text to my query, to the same avale, no hits

Thank you for any help

Take the namespace into account by adding

declare default element namespace "http://www.transportdirect.info/carparking";

see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#id-default-namespace .

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