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How to test a API with rspec and capybara on rails?

I have created a controller that can read api data by a special url.

def category
  @data = get_api_data(param1)

def get_api_data(param1)

After I create a view, I can see the result from browser.

If I use rspec + capybara to do the feature test

visit category_path('param1')

Then I want to confirm a api data will be shown in view

expect(page).to have_field('name', with: 'aaa')

But the @data value always be null. Why? Is it necessary to do a api url access post from test code? If it is necessary, how to do? The visit method can't take other params.

Capybara is not designed for testing APIs. You should go with Rspec and Airbone: https://github.com/brooklynDev/airborne

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