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Windows batch - match folders with a dot (.) in the folder name

I'm trying to figure out how to match folders with a dot in the file name (eg, ".svn") in a Windows batch script.

Here's the basic script:

pushd c:\myDir
@echo off
FOR /D /r %%G in ("*\.whatever") DO (
    echo %%G
    REM do stuff
@echo on

This works just fine for most folder names (eg, "*bin" ), but I can't figure out the method to specify a folder with the dot. "*.whatever" and "*\\.whatever" return no results. I'm guessing I'm missing some escape character or something equally simple, but I haven't been able to find any documentation on it.

(Before anyone asks, no I'm not trying to recursively delete subversion folders; "*.svn" is just an example.)

Maybe I am missing something, but as you say it seems simple

for /r /d %%a in (.*) do echo %%~fa

But if the folders are hidden, the normal for will not be able to see them, so we need to execute a dir command an process its output with a for /f

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /ad /s /b .*') do echo %%~fa

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