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Create reusable uiview in uitableviewcell

I have 1 UIView which will be added to my UITableViewCell like this. Although it will be called only 1 time, I feel like it is expensive to do. (At first time, it lag. After scroll up and down, it is fast since it is already created) How can I create that view so that it can be reused again and again for other cell as well (no need to init again)?

- (void)awakeFromNib 
    // Initialization code
    self.vwHeaderWithUserAction = [HeaderWithUserActionInListing loadFromNib];
    self.vwHeaderWithUserAction.delegate = self;
    self.vwHeaderWithUserAction.viewTypeInUserAction = ViewTypeInUserActionInListing;
    [self.contentView addSubview:self.vwHeaderWithUserAction];

In cellForRowAtIndexPath method check whether that view is existing if not create new one otherwise use existing one.

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableViewLocal cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if (!myview)
         // Initialize myView
  // Do Necessary things 
   [cell.contentView addSubview:myview];

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