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After FB login review, iOS app can share, but not like

In April 2015, we have submitted an iOS app with Graph API v2.2 for Facebook Login review for publish_actions permission. It has been approved, we have set YES for "Do you want this app ... to be available for general public".

But now only users with Testers and Developers roles can both share and like . "General public" users can only share (very strange).

In code, we surely do request publish_actions .

How can we allow regular users to post likes?

It turned out, that our app used to post likes not through the FB SDK's like button, but through our own button via the graph API.

So we had to submit open-graph action type Like as well as permissions.

It's very misleading, that publish_actions permission does not cover the very ability to post likes.

PS As of the April, 2015, to add Likes to submission, you should go to Status & Review -> Items in Review -> Add Items to this Submission -> Action types -> "Like" checkbox . Than add like-related screenshots from your app.

Note, that it is prohibited to use custom "thumbs-up"-looking icon for your custom like button (FB brand restrictions), use "heart" icon or so.

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