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How to add product flavor to version name in Gradle

I have a Android Gradle project that has multiple flavors like so.

android {
    productFlavors {
        apple {
            applicationId "com.myapp.apple"

        orange {
            applicationId "com.myapp.orange"

        banana {
            applicationId "com.myapp.banana"

In my build.gradle I also have the following piece of code that sets the versionName to either 0.8-dev if it's an local build or 0.8-123 if it's a Jenkin's build.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Get the build number from Jenkins, otherwise use 'dev'
        ext.buildNumber = System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") ?: "dev"
        versionName "0.8-$buildNumber"

Since I now have different flavors of the same project, I'd like to prefix the versionName with the flavor so it looks something like this apple-0.8-dev or orange-0.8-dev , depending on which flavor is built.

How do I go about doing this?

I've tried using BuildConfig.FLAVOR but I can't access that in build.gradle .

Re-define the versionName in your flavors:

def version="0.8"

android {
    defaultConfig {
      versionName version
    productFlavors {
        apple {
            applicationId "com.myapp.apple"
            versionName "apple-$version"

        orange {
            applicationId "com.myapp.orange"
            versionName "orange-$version"

        banana {
            applicationId "com.myapp.banana"
            versionName "banana-$version"

In the newer version of Android Studio, it can be done through dialog from the top menu:

File > Project Structure >


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