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Can i add a custom facebook icon for facebook share button?

Can i add a custom facebook icon for facebook share button??

following is code i tried but i could't replace default logo with a custom icon

<div class="fb-share-button"
  data-href="<?php echo SITE_URL;?>product/<?php echo $this->uri->segment(2);?>"  

There is limited number of styles, that you can choose from using Facebook API. You can change "layout", not "icon". One of, and default, layout is "icon_link".

If you want to use your own style/image: Can I use the Share Dialog without using the Share Button?

Other simple, but primitive way to do this:

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http://example.com">
    <img src="./youimage.png" alt="share icon">
    Link text

This is what I've done.I used the information at this page: Make Your Own Social Media Sharing Buttons .But I couldn't achieve to open share dialog in a pop up window. In this page,in Martina's answer (Optional 2) I've found the solution.Thanks.I hope this syntesis will be helpfull to the people as an example.

 <ul class="sharing-buttons"> <li> <a class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" target="popup" onclick="window.open('https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdengdeney.blogspot.com.tr%2F&amp;src=sdkpreparse','popup','width=600,height=500'); return false; " href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdengdeney.blogspot.com.tr%2F&amp;src=sdkpreparse"> <img src=" https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B6hjXoGtqTbPRDN0cG9BVnozdEk" border="0" /></a> </li> </ul> 

Create your custom html element and trigger the facebook share dialog by clicking on it.

<a href="#" class="facebook-bg"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>

            method: 'share',
            href: 'http://url_of_your_page'
        }, function(response){});

Don't forget to load fb SDK before.


I was struggling for hours to make a custom share with just an image and a popup, and this is the only way it worked for me.

  • Taking the code from the button configurator from the link listed in the post on top "Facebook-Social-Button-Plugin"

  • Adding the adjusted meta data showed below the configurator

  • Rewriting the css

    `.fb-share-button, .fb_iframe_widget, #facebook { width: 70px !important; height: 70px !important; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: -46px !important; background: url(../img/like.png) no-repeat !important; background-size: contain !important; }

    .fb-share-button a { width: 70px; height: 70px; }

    .fb_iframe_widget span { display: inline-block; position: relative; vertical-align: bottom; width: 70px !important; height: 70px !important; text-align: justify; }

    .fb_iframe_widget iframe { position: absolute; width: 70px !important; height: 70px !important; }

    .fb_iframe_widget iframe #facebook .inlineBlock { display: inline-block; zoom: 1; background: transparent !important; width: 70px !important; height: 70px !important; }

    ._2tga._3e2a { background: transparent !important; color: transparent !important; border-radius: 35px !important; width: 70px !important; height: 70px !important; }

    path[Attributes Style] { fill: transparent !important; }`

  • Removing the "Share" in anchor (my layout was just a picture) or changing it

  • Optional: if you want to display quoted text just add it on the end of the link like this (you can also change the title and description of the link like that)


-Optional 2: if you want to share/open the link as a popup, add window.open onclick function to the anchor

Full div example with popup and quote without text :

<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/" data-layout="button" data-size="large" data-mobile-iframe="true"><a class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" target="popup" onclick="window.open('https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Fdocs%2Fplugins%2F&amp;src=sdkpreparse&quote=here+comes+the+quote','popup','width=600,height=500'); return false;" href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Fdocs%2Fplugins%2F&amp;src=sdkpreparse&quote=here+comes+the+quote"></a></div>

(the data-size and data-layout are not important cause the css is overwritten)

I'm sure there are better ways of doing it but i couldn't find any! I tried with the FB.ui but it didn't work.

I hope this helps somebody!

Button looked like this

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